Birman Cat vs Ragdoll: Key Differences (With Pictures)

Choosing the right pet companion for your family is not an easy decision. There are plenty of remarkable cat breeds in the world, but which is right for your needs? If you have narrowed your options down to the Birman cat and the Ragdoll cat, you’re in luck. Both cats are exceptional pets with a lot to recommend to them. The Birman cat is a loving, affectionate feline that enjoys spending time with their families, while the Ragdoll is cuddly and puppy-like.

Both breeds have excellent temperaments; however, there are some significant differences between the two that you should consider before determining which cat is right for you. To learn more about those differences, keep reading below.


Visual Differences

Birman Cat vs Ragdoll - Visual Differences
Image Credit: Left – Borkin Vadim, Shutterstock | Right – jurra8, Shutterstock

At a Glance

Birman Cat
  • Average height (adult): 8–12 inches

  • Average weight (adult): 6–15 pounds

  • Lifespan: 15–20 years

  • Exercise: 30+ minutes per day

  • Grooming needs: Minimal

  • Family-friendly: Yes

  • Other pet-friendly: Yes

  • Trainability: Intelligent and eager to learn

  • Average height (adult): 16–26 inches

  • Average weight (adult): 15–20 pounds

  • Lifespan: 15–25 years

  • Exercise: 30+ minutes per day

  • Grooming needs: Minimal

  • Family-friendly: Yes

  • Other pet-friendly: Yes

  • Trainability: Intelligent and eager to please


Birman Cat Overview

birman kittens
Image Credit: Borkin Vadim, Shutterstock

The Birman cat is a stunningly beautiful breed. This fluffy cat has a luxurious coat and soulful eyes, giving them an alluring appearance. Before bringing the cat home, ensure you know everything you need about the breed’s personality, exercise needs, training requirements, and health.

Personality / Character

Birman cats are typically friendly animals with an easygoing demeanor. Their docile nature makes them exceptionally gentle, and many consider them an excellent choice for families with young children. They are affectionate, love spending quality time with their humans, and need a lot of attention. Although they can be left alone, they don’t prefer it.

Like many cats, Birman cats are notoriously curious. This curiosity may cause them to get into a bit of trouble, so to prevent any unnecessary mischief, it is essential that you provide options to keep them mentally stimulated. In addition, Birman cats are smart. They like to learn and enjoy participating in puzzle games. Puzzle games can keep your cat occupied and out of trouble.


Cats may have a reputation for being lazy, but that doesn’t mean they should be allowed to be. If you bring a Birman cat home, you must ensure they get enough exercise. A minimum of 30 minutes per day is an adequate amount of activity for your cat. You can encourage your cat to be active by rotating toys in and out of use to keep them excited about playtime.

birman cat
Image Credit: Jeannette1980, Pixabay


As mentioned before, the Birman cat is highly intelligent. They are eager to learn new things, which makes training a much easier venture. This cat is so intelligent that you can teach them to do tricks to impress your friends.

Health & Care

The Birman, like any breed, is susceptible to specific health conditions, such as hyperthyroidism and urinary issues. To keep your cat healthy, take them to the vet regularly and watch for signs of these common conditions.

Suitable For:

The Birman cat can make an excellent companion for any family. They are great for singles, couples, and families due to their friendly disposition. They are also ideal for first-time cat owners since they are so easy to train. Though they have fluffy coats, they do not shed often, so those looking for low-shedders will be happy with the Birman cat.


Ragdoll Overview

lilac ragdoll kitten lying on a veil
Image Credit: cath5, Shutterstock

The Birman cat is alluring, but equally coveted is the Ragdoll cat. These large cats are as beautiful as they are mysterious.

Personality / Character

Ragdolls are friendly, laidback pets, which makes them excellent companions. It also means that allowing the Ragdoll cat outdoors is highly discouraged. They are so easygoing that they may try to become friends with a wild animal or a cat-napper who is lured in by the Ragdoll’s unique and stunning appearance.

The Ragdoll cat is a social animal who loves to interact with humans, and they are known to go entirely limp when in their favorite human’s arms. In fact, this tendency to fall limp like a doll is what earned them their name.

If you bring a Ragdoll home, be prepared to have a four-legged shadow. They will happily follow you all around the house, eager to soak up any attention you may send their way. Since the Ragdoll is so eager to be around others, they are great for young children and multi-pet households.


Ragdolls need a minimum of 30 minutes of activity per day. Keeping the Ragdoll active is similar to keeping the Birman active, and they both enjoy human interaction and can be encouraged to play as long as their families do the same.

ragdoll cat in a park looking off to the side
Image Credit: Aaron Zimmermann, Shutterstock


The Ragdoll is intelligent and eager to please, but like many cats, they can sometimes be aloof. To encourage your Ragdoll to focus on training, find out what motivates them the most. For instance, if they are motivated by tasty food, give them a treat when they perform a described behavior.

Health & Care

Ragdolls are relatively healthy, but they are prone to some serious health conditions. Some of the most notable issues that your Ragdoll may face include kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and respiratory issues.

Suitable For:

Ragdoll cats are great companions due to their relaxed natures. They can fit in with many family situations, including households with young children or multiple pets. Just be sure to supervise all interactions between your pets and children and teach your kid how to handle the Ragdoll. Since they are intelligent, they can be trained by first-time cat owners and experienced pet parents.


Which Breed Is Right for You?

Deciding which cat is right for you can be a challenge, especially when deciding between the Birman and the Ragdoll. Both breeds have exceptional dispositions and keen intelligence, making them an ideal fit for families with children as well as first-time cat owners. Likewise, they require similar levels of care and have nearly equal lifespans.

In the end, the main difference between Birman cats and Ragdoll cats may come down to aesthetics. While both cats are fluffy and luxurious, the Ragdoll is much larger. If you are looking for a smaller cat, you may prefer the Birman. Either way, you can’t go wrong when picking between these two breeds; bringing either one home guarantees a loving companion for life.

Featured Image Credit: Top – Nynke van Holten, Shutterstock | Bottom – Ivelin Donchev, Pexels

The post Birman Cat vs Ragdoll: Key Differences (With Pictures) appeared first on Pet Keen.

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